Our Process

Our Process
At Clarity, we understand that needing to see a lawyer can be daunting. We understand that you might be dealing with an unwanted situation or you might be anxious about the outcome.
Even if it isn’t a new experience for you, you’ll be put you at ease from the moment you walk through our door.
When you walk into one of our offices, you’ll be greeted by one of our friendly staff. You’ll be offered a hot drink and a seat in our open waiting area. We’ll ask you to fill out our new client form at this point. This isn’t a contract; you’re not agreeing to anything – it’s just so we can get to know you and to ensure we’re compliant with law society regulations.
What happens when you visit Complete Clarity Solicitors?
Free* Consultation with a Solicitor – Except for Family law
Contact us today at 0808 178 7292 or complete our online enquiry form and let us help you.
That is, the scope of the meeting. This is a free, no obligation, consultation. We’ll explain our process in more detail, explain clearly how we charge and give you all the options you need to make an informed decision as to how to proceed.
This is your opportunity to give us your side of the story. Often, what’s behind the story is just as interesting as the facts as they are. Our skilled solicitors are trained to get to the heart of the matter. The more detailed a picture we can build up at this stage, the wider the range of solutions and options we are able to suggest.
Or more accurately solutions. In most cases, there are a range of potential solutions available in most legal matters. The solutions we suggest are tailored to your objective and will be designed to achieve the outcome that is best for you.
Why choose Complete Clarity Solicitors?
Tailored Solutions
Whatever your needs, we will recommend a solution which is tailored to your exact needs.
Our Service Standards
We pride ourselves on our service standards. Find out what you can expect from us.
Our Services
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Please note: We do not offer legal aid