Complete Clarity Solicitors

Court Reform Continues with Opening of Civil Sheriff Appeal Court

The recent opening of Scotland’s Civil Sheriff Appeal Court has marked the next step in the biggest modernisation of Scotland’s courts in a century. The new Sheriff Appeal Court will hear civil appeals from sheriff courts as part of Government reforms that aim to ensure the right cases are heard in the right courts. This […]

MEPs Back Small Debt Recovery Plans

The European Parliament’s legal affairs committee has given its backing to plans to improve and broaden the use of a simplified procedure for low-value cross-border claims to recover money from abroad. The proposed changes would cut costs and paperwork for both consumers and businesses, and also make the procedure available for more cases, cap court […]

New Powers for Business Groups to Tackle Late Payment

The UK Government has announced its intention to introduce tough new laws and bulk up existing codes of practice to tackle the issues of late payment and other unfair payment practices. These measures include: consulting on ways to tackle poor payment practices, such as by giving representative bodies greater powers to challenge grossly unfair payment […]

Damages claims by victims of antitrust violations

A proposed Directive that will help individuals and companies claim damages if they are victims of infringements of EU antitrust rules, such as cartels and abuses of dominant market positions, has recently received the backing of the European Parliament. The Directive is based on a proposal by the European Commission and aims to remove a […]