Making a Will in Scotland – Solicitor

Wills Solicitors Glasgow, East Kilbride & Edinburgh
We all worry about what will happen to our loved ones when we’re gone. We want to make sure our loved ones are provided for and that our wishes are respected. The best way to make sure this happens is to have a solicitor help you write a will. Only then can you be sure your will is valid and binding, and will see your final wishes carried out.
Read our latest blogs:
- Who can witness my Will with social distancing measures in place?
- The importance of sorting your Will in the times of coronavirus
For a Free* consultation with our wills lawyers to discuss making or updating your will call us today on 0808 168 5822 or complete our online enquiry form and let us help you.

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Making a will in Scotland - Solicitors in Glasgow
We’ll listen to how you would like your estate (your possessions and assets including your home, any money or investment and personal items) divided up after you’re gone. We’ll ask if there are any specific bequests you would like made and make sure these are incorporated into the will. We’ll ask about your family arrangements to make sure your loved ones are provided for according to your wishes.
We’ll advise on the best way to divide your estate. We’ll advise you on joint wills, ‘survivorship clauses’ and how best to reduce your estate’s inheritance tax bill. We’ll advise you on how best to divide your estate so that everyone you wish to be included is provided for.
We’ll make sure your will is written correctly and takes care of everything. We’ll make sure it’s kept safe for you. If your circumstances change, we’ll help you change your will, or write a new one. When the time comes, we’ll be there to advise your relatives of the next steps, including winding up your estate.
Why should I write or update a will? – Wills Solicitors in Glasgow
Writing a will is, all too often, one of the things we mean to get around to but never seem to. However, the consequences of not writing a will can be such that we must take care of it sooner rather than later.
Anyone in Scotland can write a will from the age of 12. If you die without leaving a will then there are rules which govern how your estate is divided. Often these rules are contrary to how many of us would like our estate divided – these rules provide mainly for those closely related to us, irrespective of our relationship with them. Neither you nor your loved ones have any control over how your estate is divided if you die without a will. If your estate cannot be divided according to the rules, it may go to the Crown as ‘the ultimate heir’ – even if you had shared your life with someone.

Reasons to write or update a will:
- You can decide who will inherit what from your estate. If you would like to leave a particular item to a person you can do so, or you can choose to leave money to them.
- You can reduce the inheritance tax which will be payable out of your estate.
- You can put in place arrangements for your funeral.
- You can appoint the people responsible for overseeing your affairs on death, known as your ‘executors’.
- Making a will can speed up the process of winding up the estate, sparing your loved ones further pain.

Living wills solicitors – Glasgow Law Practice, Glasgow, East Kilbride & Edinburgh
We all worry about what will happen to us as we get older. Fortunately, the law allows us to put in place measures such as guardianship orders and powers of attorney to make sure our wishes are respected.
How do I write a living will? – Lawyers Glasgow
More and more people are starting to think of what arrangements they would like put in place for their passing. One way to ensure your wishes are followed when you can no longer act to enforce them is by putting in place an ‘advance directive’ or living will.
Living wills are instructions to the medical profession about what you would like to happen to you if you are incapacitated and unable to dictate how you would like to be treated, including whether you would like to be treated at all.
A living will can’t make arrangements for assisted suicide, but they can be used to avoid prolonging your suffering if you fall seriously ill.
We’ll listen to your wishes about what you want to happen in the event you fall ill, advise you on what to include in a living and how best your wishes can be met and we’ll take care of the legal aspects, including drafting a watertight living will which will see your last wishes granted.
Contact us for a Free* consultation to discuss writing or updating your will – Wills Lawyers
Based in Glasgow, East Kilbride & Edinburgh, we provide our clear and practical legal services to people across Scotland including those from Airdrie, Motherwell, Bellshill, Dumbarton, Paisley, Ayr, Fife, Crossmyloof, Giffnock, Clarkston, Newton Mearns and many other surrounding areas. For a Free* consultation with our wills, trusts, & executry lawyers based in Glasgow and Edinburgh call us today on 0808 168 5822 or complete our online enquiry form and let us help you.
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